Norvegia: Framework agreement for tyres, tyre related products and services.
Data licitatiei 31.01.2025


Valoare estimata : 12,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9107992
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Framework agreement for tyres, tyre related products and services.
Coduri CPV:
34350000-5 - Pneuri pentru sarcină mică şi mare
34351000-2 - Pneuri pentru sarcină mică
34351100-3 - Pneuri pentru autovehicule
34352000-9 - Pneuri pentru sarcină mare
34352100-0 - Pneuri pentru camioane
34352200-1 - Pneuri pentru autobuze
34352300-2 - Pneuri pentru maşini agricole
50116500-6 - Servicii de reparare a pneurilor, inclusiv montare şi echilibrare
Textul licitației
s to a competition for a framework agreement for tyres, wheel rims, chains, service and storage of tyres for Hvaler municipality and Fredrikstad municipality ́s vehicles. A comprehensive description of the delivery is in the annexes to the tender documentation.Identificatorul procedurii: 191ce1fa-2f2e-470e-b029-dcb61aae2e71Identificator intern: 2024/22289Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The competition is for the procurement of tyres, wheel rims, chains, service and storage of tyres for Hvaler municipality and Fredrikstad municipality ́s vehicles. Fredrikstad municipality has approx. 2,500 tyres, Hvaler kommune has approx. 250 tyres, a total of approx. 2,750 tyres on deck hotels. This is an estimated number as the number of tyres can change throughout th