Data licitatiei 30.08.2024


Norvegia: Framework agreement for traffic signs and traffic equipment.
Data licitatiei 30.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 27,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8516788 Data publicarii : 17.07.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Framework agreement for traffic signs and traffic equipment.

Coduri CPV:

34000000-7 - Echipament de transport şi produse auxiliare pentru transport
34900000-6 - Diverse echipamente de transport şi piese de schimb
34920000-2 - Echipament rutier
34922000-6 - Echipament pentru marcaj rutier
34922100-7 - Marcaje rutiere
34923000-3 - Echipament pentru controlul traficului rutier
34928000-8 - Mobilier rutier
34928300-1 - Bariere de siguranţă
34928410-5 - Balize
34928460-0 - Conuri de semnalizare
34928470-3 - Săgeţi indicatoare
34928472-7 - Stâlpi de semnalizare
34990000-3 - Echipament de control, de siguranţă, de semnalizare şi de iluminat
34992000-7 - Panouri de semnalizare şi panouri de semnalizare luminoase
34992200-9 - Indicatoare rutiere
34992300-0 - Indicatoare stradale
34996000-5 - Echipament de comandă şi control, de siguranţă şi de semnalizare pentru şosele

Textul licitației

; one for Sandnes municipality, one for Sola municipality and one for Stavanger municipality. The contract includes i.a.: Traffic signs that mainly comprise the delivery of signs in accordance with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration ́s handbook N300. The signs shall mainly be delivered for standard set-up material as well as in a hoop for ground, pole and wall mounting. The assembly material includes the delivery of sign fixings, fittings, clamps, holders and foundations for the set up of fixed signs, in addition to work notification. Profiling signs as well as information signs for use in i.a. site areas and car parks that are not included in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration ́s handbook N300. Work notification equipment that includes the delivery of material for notifying work on public roads. Products that the municipalities currently use are i.a. barrier plank and bows, traffic hunters, barrier lines, lane dividers, safety posts with and without built-in warning lights, warning lights, safety fences, traffic controlled mobile light signal systems, barrier vehicles, warning panels with and without built-in warning lights and folding signs in accordance with the at any given time applicable edition of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration ́s handbook 301. Fences and barriers that comprise the delivery of

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