Data licitatiei 14.03.2025


Norvegia: Framework agreement for the procurement of workwear and protective equipment for the Sanitation Company for the Drammen Region IKS (RfD).
Data licitatiei 14.03.2025
Valoare estimata : 10,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9250798 Data publicarii : 12.02.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Framework agreement for the procurement of workwear and protective equipment for the Sanitation Company for the Drammen Region IKS (RfD).

Coduri CPV:

18110000-3 - Îmbrăcăminte de uz profesional
18113000-4 - Îmbrăcăminte de uz industrial
18130000-9 - Îmbrăcăminte specială de lucru
18140000-2 - Accesorii pentru îmbrăcăminte de lucru
18830000-6 - Încălţăminte de protecţie

Textul licitației

stomer, invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for the purchase of work wear and protective equipment. The waste management company for the Drammen region (RfD) is an intermunicipal company owned by five municipalities: Drammen, Lier, Modum, Sigdal and Øvre Eiker. In the five owner municipalities, there are approx. 170,000 inhabitants, 77,000 households and 8,000 holiday homes in the Drammen region. In addition RfD operates six recycling stations and one reloading station. RfD provides a sustainable sanitation service based on source sorting, recycling, waste minimisation and re-use.Identificatorul procedurii: c1c30292-5119-4a2b-8edf-79e070be253bIdentificator intern: 2025/100Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The Contract

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