Norvegia: Framework agreement for the procurement of communications services
Data licitatiei 04.07.2024
Valoare estimata : 6,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8343909
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Framework agreement for the procurement of communications services
Coduri CPV:
79310000-0 - Servicii de studii de piaţă
79340000-9 - Servicii de publicitate şi de comercializare
79341000-6 - Servicii de publicitate
79342000-3 - Servicii de comercializare
79400000-8 - Consultanţă în afaceri şi în management şi servicii conexe
79952000-2 - Servicii pentru evenimente
79952100-3 - Servicii de organizare de evenimente culturale
92110000-5 - Servicii de producţie de filme cinematografice şi de casete video şi servicii conexe
92111000-2 - Servicii de producţie de filme cinematografice şi de filme video
92111200-4 - Producţie de filme şi de casete video publicitare, de propagandă şi de informare
92112000-9 - Servicii privind producţia de filme cinematografice sau de casete video
Textul licitației
: 2024/5063Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The Norwegian Directorate of Culture has a need for communication services for, among other things: General strategic communication - the Directorate of Culture wants good advice for management Support for the implementation of major and smaller external events - this means conferences and seminars that require digital production and/or other production assistance. Communication consultancy – general advice for individual cases or by major processes Strategies within social media – The Directorate of Culture wants good advice on the use of social media, including measuring effect Media training of managers Consultancy on the use of different channels so that the Directorate of Culture can have effective channel use to reach different target groups with different types of messages. Ability to write good texts. Production of short videos for use on websites and on social media. This can be, for example, filming projects that we want to showcase such as cases, movies, or any animations. Preferably also competence in making small videos that depict numbers in an interesting way. The manufacturer of digital events mainly includes communication services.2.1.1. ScopNatura c