Data licitatiei 17.02.2025

au mai rămas 33 zile

Norvegia: Framework agreement for the hire of coffee machines and the procurement of accompanying consumables.
Data licitatiei 17.02.2025
au mai rămas 33 zile
Valoare estimata : 50,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9156835 Data publicarii : 15.01.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Framework agreement for the hire of coffee machines and the procurement of accompanying consumables.

Coduri CPV:

03131100-9 - Boabe de cafea
15800000-6 - Diverse produse alimentare
15841000-5 - Cacao
15860000-4 - Cafea, ceai şi produse conexe
15861000-1 - Cafea
39700000-9 - Aparate de uz casnic
39710000-2 - Aparate electrice de uz casnic
39711310-5 - Filtre de cafea electrice

Textul licitației

panying consumables for break rooms, tea kitchens, communal areas etc. It is also desirable to have an option on a daily service contract. A total need is expected for the hire of 130-150 coffee machines over a period of 4 years. In addition, some need for machinery is expected to arise during the agreement period. Emphasis is put on the fact that the estimated number of machines is unclear, as during the contract period several of the ministries will change their location in connection with moving into the new government quarter. The relocation will mean that several ministries will have a change in the number and what type of coffee machines they need. The need for a daily service agreement is expected to be limited to a few ministries, and there are currently 4 ministries that use this. Note that the need for daily service contracts will decrease during the contract period, as in the long term this shall be included in the service provided by the canteen supplier. The contracting authority will be obliged to procure coffee beans, cocoa/chocolate powder and milk powder from the tenderer for use on the machines that are hired under this agreement. The contract is otherwise not exclusive. The requested start date for the new contract is 1 April 2025. See annex 1 of the contract for further details on the delivery.Identif

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