Data licitatiei 27.03.2025

au mai rămas 32 zile

Norvegia: Framework agreement for the delivery of day trip cabins to municipalities in Trøndelag
Data licitatiei 27.03.2025
au mai rămas 32 zile
Valoare estimata : 100,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9263120 Data publicarii : 17.02.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Framework agreement for the delivery of day trip cabins to municipalities in Trøndelag

Coduri CPV:

45200000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii complete sau parţiale şi lucrări publice
45420000-7 - Lucrări de tâmplărie şi de dulgherie

Textul licitației

municipalities in TrøndelagDescriere: Framework agreement for the delivery of "Dagsturhytter" to the municipalities in Trøndelag.Identificatorul procedurii: cdbb3b71-1f9d-4be0-922b-3cc7a77c805eIdentificator intern: 202509411Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: A framework agreement shall be procured for the production of "Dagsturhytter" which can be used as a hiking destination for trips in forests and fields in municipalities in Trøndelag. The day trip cabins are huts with a footprint of 15 m2, which shall be available and free to use for the public. All the municipalities in Trøndelag have been offered to receive a Dagsturhytte. The cabins are financed by Trøndelag Fylkeskommune, 1 Inemanagement 1 SMN and gambling resources. In addition to

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