Norvegia: Framework agreement for nationwide delivery of electricity and guarantees of origin
Data licitatiei 16.04.2025
au mai rămas 30 zile


Valoare estimata : 3,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9374446
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Framework agreement for nationwide delivery of electricity and guarantees of origin
Coduri CPV:
09000000-3 - Produse petroliere, combustibil, electricitate şi alte surse de energie
09300000-2 - Electricitate, încălzire, energie solară şi nucleară
09310000-5 - Electricitate
65400000-7 - Alte surse de alimentare şi de distribuţie a energiei electrice
71314000-2 - Servicii de energie electrică şi servicii conexe
71314200-4 - Servicii de gestionare a energiei electrice
Textul licitației
Labour and Social Affairs. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority directs the commitment to target groups where the working environment needs the greatest need. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority consists of a directorate and an outer department with six departments. The agency has office locations that meet entities nationwide. We have approx. 750 employees divided between 22 office locations, 5 service centres for foreign workers (SUA) and 8 inter-agency centres targeting work crime. See our website for further information on the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority's organisation and activity: the Contracting Authority's gender neutral preferred in the procurement process is: Heidi Kvam All communication with the Contracting Authority shall occur through the Contracting Authority's KGV (EU-supply). This also applies to questions and answers. The objec