Norvegia: Framework agreement for educational services in language and cultural comprehension - French
Data licitatiei 01.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 14,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8312311
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Framework agreement for educational services in language and cultural comprehension - French
Coduri CPV:
80000000-4 - Servicii de învăţământ şi formare profesională
80500000-9 - Servicii de formare
80580000-3 - Organizare de cursuri de limbi străine
Textul licitației
foreign languages at all levels in accordance with the Joint European Framework for Language. Parallel framework agreements will be signed with up to 2 tenderers. The framework agreement includes educational services in language and cultural comprehension. The teaching language is Arabic. The number of parallel framework agreements will depend on the number of qualified tenderers and the number of acceptable tenders. The procurement will be carried out in accordance with the public procurement regulation part IV.Identificatorul procedurii: 10af99a9-165a-443c-81d9-6507e1559616Identificator intern: 24/6746Tip de procedură: Altă procedură cu o singură etapăPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The procurement will be made in accordance with the Act from 17 June 2016 no. 73 on public procurements (the Procurement Act) and regulation 12 August 2016 no. 974 on public procurements (the procurement regulations), part I and part IV as negotiation procedure in one stage. The procurement is published in Doffin and Tender Electronic Daily (TED). The procurement will be carried out in one stage where all interested tenderers have the possibility to submit tender offers in the competition. After the tender deadline has expired, tenderers can be asked for an envoy and clarification of information and