Data licitatiei 31.03.2025

au mai rămas 33 zile

Norvegia: Framework agreement for consultancy services within planning and engineering design.
Data licitatiei 31.03.2025
au mai rămas 33 zile
Valoare estimata : 200,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9302558 Data publicarii : 26.02.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Framework agreement for consultancy services within planning and engineering design.

Coduri CPV:

71000000-8 - Servicii de arhitectură, de construcţii, de inginerie şi de inspecţie
71300000-1 - Servicii de inginerie
71310000-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul ingineriei şi al construcţiilor

Textul licitației

m of three tenderers and a maximum of 5 tenderers. The total points attainment in the award criteria (ranking) will determine who can be a party to the framework agreement. The aim of the framework agreement is to assist the contracting authority professionally and in processes for web development projects in Fagne ́s area, if the contracting authority does not wish to carry out the work itself. Fagne ́s total estimated annual volume is NOK 25 million. Excluding VAT. The total estimated volume of the framework agreement is NOK 100 million. excluding VAT over 4 years, but the estimate is subject to great uncertainty. The maximum value of the framework agreement is NOK 200 million. This includes options. Please note that the stated total volume does not obligate the contracting authority. The total volume will depend on grants, as well as own capacity at the contracting authority. The fr

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta