Norvegia: Framework agreement for consultancy services for legionella prevention and water treatment in closed energy plants.
Data licitatiei 23.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8475089
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Framework agreement for consultancy services for legionella prevention and water treatment in closed energy plants.
Coduri CPV:
45330000-9 - Lucrări de instalaţii de apă
45332400-7 - Lucrări de instalare de echipamente sanitare
90700000-4 - Servicii privind mediul
90711100-5 - Evaluare a riscurilor sau a pericolelor, alta decât cea pentru construcţii
90713000-8 - Servicii de consultanţă în probleme de mediu
Textul licitației
ification installations. These require annual risk assessments of legionella. In addition many of the properties have water treatment in closed energy plants with varying complexity and extent.Identificatorul procedurii: 49049c06-1db6-42b7-89cf-d817108ea9f4Identificator intern: 2024/1369Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Legionella Control: The assignment consists of risk assessing facilities on our properties that involve danger for the growth and/or spreading of aerosols containing legionella bacteria as well as being a consultant with possibly high values of legionella. If needed, the consultant shall assist with designing the requirement specifications for any upcoming competitions for the procurement of technical installations for legionella prevention. For some properties it may be necessary to map the facility before carrying out the first legionella control. Water treatment in closed energy plants: In order to save energy, optimise and increase the lifetime of our closed energy installations, we need consultancy services that map our facilities and prepare water treatment programmes with operational and maintenance routines for our properties. Identify any deviations and problems and get opt