Data licitatiei 18.09.2024


Norvegia: Floating swimming pool for inner Vågen in Sandnes
Data licitatiei 18.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 50,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8523897 Data publicarii : 18.07.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Floating swimming pool for inner Vågen in Sandnes

Coduri CPV:

45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii
45100000-8 - Lucrări de pregătire a şantierului
45200000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii complete sau parţiale şi lucrări publice
45210000-2 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri
45212000-6 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri destinate activităţilor de recreere, sportive, culturale, de cazare şi restaurante
45212200-8 - Lucrări de construcţii de complexe sportive
45212210-1 - Lucrări de construcţii de complexe sportive monovalente
45212212-5 - Lucrări de construcţii de piscine
45212230-7 - Instalare de vestiare
45220000-5 - Lucrări de inginerie şi de construcţii
45223000-6 - Lucrări de construcţii de structuri
45223500-1 - Structuri din beton armat
45223800-4 - Asamblare şi instalare de structuri prefabricate
45240000-1 - Lucrări de construcţii de lucrări hidraulice
45242000-5 - Lucrări de construcţii de complexe de recreere nautică
45242200-7 - Lucrări de construcţii de porturi de ambarcaţiuni
45300000-0 - Lucrări de instalaţii pentru clădiri
45400000-1 - Lucrări de finisare a construcţiilor
71000000-8 - Servicii de arhitectură, de construcţii, de inginerie şi de inspecţie
71200000-0 - Servicii de arhitectură şi servicii conexe
71210000-3 - Servicii de consultanţă în arhitectură
71220000-6 - Servicii de proiectare arhitecturală
71240000-2 - Servicii de arhitectură, de inginerie şi de planificare
71250000-5 - Servicii de arhitectură, de inginerie şi de măsurare
71300000-1 - Servicii de inginerie
71310000-4 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul ingineriei şi al construcţiilor
71320000-7 - Servicii de concepţie tehnică
71500000-3 - Servicii privind construcţiile

Textul licitației

pool for inner Vågen in SandnesDescriere: The contracting authority needs to enter into a consultancy and turnkey contract for a floating swimming pool with the accompanying facilities for Inner Vågen in Sandnes. The winner of the competition will have access to the project in accordance with the guidelines stated. The background for the project is that Sandnes Havn KF would like to offer the public a functional and aesthetically nice pool facility of high quality, which gives an increased number of visitors to the guest port, as well as giving Sandnes a positive contribution in the cityscape. Sandnes has had and will continue to have a forward leaning urban development with several exciting down-town centre projects, where the pool facility is meant as a positive addition to the development. The project is developed with the intention of being a commercially profitable project, and thus it is important that the project builds on this premise. One of the central aspects of achieving profitability in the project is to have systems that incur low operating costs over time (low operational and maintenance needs) and that have a high degree of automation and require little inspection of personnel. The project will be set up in different phases and is planned as the following: 1. Review of technical assumptions and the

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