Data licitatiei 09.04.2025

au mai rămas 28 zile

Norvegia: EL-25-08 Winter operations
Data licitatiei 09.04.2025
au mai rămas 28 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9351564 Data publicarii : 11.03.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: EL-25-08 Winter operations

Coduri CPV:

45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii
90600000-3 - Servicii de curăţenie şi igienizare în mediu urban sau rural şi servicii conexe
90620000-9 - Servicii de deszăpezire

Textul licitației

l roads, in addition to assisting the contracting authority with gritting as needed. Tenderers shall use their expertise and competence to contribute to fulfilling the aim of the contract.Identificatorul procedurii: c5b3753e-c665-4fc9-a105-fecaca9043f9Identificator intern: EL-25-08Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Elverum municipality operates approx. 250 km of municipal roads, including foot and cycle paths. This enquiry is for town centre streets and residential roads. This amounts to approx. 103 km. See annexes 2 and 3 for the road list and maps. The stand-by period is from 1 November to 15 April. The town centre streets and the residential roads are divided into 9 areas, the city centre streets are 1 area and the residential roads are 8 areas. The contr

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