Norvegia: E62 Machine and process 1 - the transfer facility (Kongshaugen)
Data licitatiei 25.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8750215
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: E62 Machine and process 1 - the transfer facility (Kongshaugen)
Coduri CPV:
42000000-6 - Echipamente industriale
45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii
51100000-3 - Servicii de instalare a echipamentului electric şi mecanic
Textul licitației
ră: Negociată cu publicarea prealabilă a unei proceduri concurențiale de ofertare / competitivă cu negociereProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The contracting authority and the builder are Ålesund municipality and Sula municipality. Ålesund municipality is the contract party. Ålesund municipality and Sula kommune cooperate through the project "BLÅ – fjords for the future", to construct a new sewage treatment facility at Kongshaugen (Kvasnes) in Sula municipality. The aims in the project are as follows: Cleaner fjord systemLovlig system for sewage waterBærekraftig system for the futureIt new treatment plant shall have sufficient treatment capacity to handle sewage water that shall be supplied from Sula municipality and Ålesund municipality and shall be designed as a secondary treatment facility. The contract E62 includes, among other things: Process pipe Pumps ValvesPlugg entry Measuring equipment, Building debris will enter into a contract that is based on the contract standard "NS 8405:2008 Norwegian Building and Installation Contract" for the execution.2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: LucrăriClasificarea principală (cpv): 45000000 Lucrări de construcţiiClasificare suplimentară (cpv)