Data licitatiei 31.12.2035

au mai rămas 4112 zile

Norvegia: Dynamic Purchasing System - Welfare Technology
Data licitatiei 31.12.2035
au mai rămas 4112 zile
Valoare estimata : 2,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8789388 Data publicarii : 27.09.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Dynamic Purchasing System - Welfare Technology

Coduri CPV:

35121700-5 - Sisteme de alarmă
35125000-6 - Sisteme de supraveghere
35125300-2 - Camere video de securitate
42961100-1 - Sisteme de control al accesului
45316000-5 - Lucrări de instalare de sisteme de iluminare şi de semnalizare
79711000-1 - Servicii de monitorizare a sistemelor de alarmă

Textul licitației

hens the individual's ability to manage themselves in everyday life despite illness and social, mentally or physically reduced functional abilities. Welfare technology can also function as technological support for relatives and otherwise contribute to improve availability, resource utilisation and quality of the service offer. (NOU 2011:11) It is voluntary for Ikomm ́s owner municipalities to use the scheme. The scheme consists of several categories and tenderers must qualify within the individual categories of the scheme. The requirement for relevant experience will have different content, depending on which category the tenderer is looking to be qualified for. See the descriptions for each category. **Conditions regarding the maximum value of the framework agreement:** The owner municipalities ́ municipal organisation and structure are versatile, which means that it is difficult to estimate the volume/value of the procurement. The owner municipalities ́ IT technical operations and management have changed over time, the procurement needs are controlled by general action plans and imposed social assignments. This applies to both internal assignments and assignments in regard to: public service provision. The maximum values in this competition are set at NOK 2 million, but the individual competitions under the scheme can also

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