Data licitatiei 24.09.2024

au mai rămas 5 zile

Norvegia: Dynamic Purchasing System - Project and Process Management
Data licitatiei 24.09.2024
au mai rămas 5 zile
Valoare estimata : 60,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8755082 Data publicarii : 19.09.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Dynamic Purchasing System - Project and Process Management

Coduri CPV:

72224000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă privind gestionarea proiectelor
75112100-5 - Servicii administrative privind proiectele de dezvoltare
79421000-1 - Servicii de gestionare a proiectelor, altele decât pentru lucrările de construcţie

Textul licitației

or consultancy support for assignments and projects connected to the Directorate's main functions. This scheme shall replace the previously established scheme for equivalent disciplines. Note that this is one of several disciplines where Digdir has established a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for consultancy services.Identificatorul procedurii: 1d90c916-d976-4a54-bbed-e9e09910a863Identificator intern: 2024/1552Tip de procedură: RestrânsăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Digdir invites interested suppliers to apply for admission in the procurement scheme. Being part of the procurement scheme does not involve any purchasing obligation for Digdir, a delivery obligation for the tenderers. A contract will not be signed until a competition is implemented in the scheme. The first qualification round shall be valid for 30 days. Digdir cannot, therefore, start running competitions for the scheme until 30 days have passed and we have assessed all applications for admission that have been received by the deadline. Estimated value Estimated total value of all contracts that can be entered into via the scheme is up to NOK 60 million excluding VAT.2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta