Norvegia: Dynamic purchasing system - procurement of lighting vehicles.
Data licitatiei 01.11.2030
au mai rămas 2190 zile
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8851510
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Dynamic purchasing system - procurement of lighting vehicles.
Coduri CPV:
34100000-8 - Autovehicule
34110000-1 - Autoturisme
34114000-9 - Vehicule cu utilizare specială
34144200-0 - Vehicule pentru servicii de urgenţă
34144700-5 - Vehicule utilitare
34144750-0 - Cargoboturi
34144900-7 - Vehicule electrice
Textul licitației
se collection vehicles. Tenderers can apply for admission for the entire lifetime of the scheme. The contracting authority ́s needs and requirements will vary from procurement to procurement, and the tender documentation, requirement specifications etc. will be adapted to each procurement in the scheme. The total extent for the procurement of official vehicles will vary. The estimated amount for the contract period is therefore difficult to determine. The contracting authority will not be bound to a specific number of vehicles under the scheme, as this can, among other things, be affected by changes in needs, budgets and routines. There will be requirements for, among other things, distance to the location of the service, requirements for an electronic catalogue, possibility for car sharing, fleet management etc. where the delivery will be as a starting point for Skogsvåg. The dynamic purchasing system will last for 6 years. The scheme can be terminated and extended if the municipality finds it appropriate. A change in duration will be announced. Tenderers can apply to be included in the scheme at any time.Identificatorul procedurii: 15601693-dfdb-4b8a-ad05-7f7946ead5e9Identificator intern: 2024/19300Tip de procedură: RestrânsăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipa