Norvegia: Dynamic purchasing system - broad band development with government grants - pledge 2023
Data licitatiei 25.12.2026
au mai rămas 728 zile
Valoare estimata : 95,346,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9116025
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Dynamic purchasing system - broad band development with government grants - pledge 2023
Coduri CPV:
45232300-5 - Lucrări de construcţii de linii telefonice şi de comunicaţii şi lucrări auxiliare
Textul licitației
support in 2023.For information on the scheme, see the procedurii: 489aad63-c270-49a2-817d-68d19f7a12c6Identificator intern: 2024/21009Tip de procedură: RestrânsăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Grants for 2023 were dealt with by the County Council in case :I 2023, the following municipalities have been granted grants: YearTils.datoProsjektnavnmottaker202304.09.2023 Subsidy broadband Rødøy municipality 2023, Breivika, Oldervik-Sørfjorden, Seløyvik-Rangsund - Rødøy municipality202304.09.2023Bredband development 2023 - FrøskelandSortland municipality202304.202 09.2023 Broadband development 2023 - ValfjordenSortland municipality202304.09.2023Bredband development 2023 - Block Sortland municipality202304.09.2023 Broadband Laukvik 2023Vågan municipality202304.09.2023Bredband development 2023 - MajavatnGrane municipality202304.09.2023 Broadband development 2023 - Fiskefjord/KvitnesHadsel municipality202304.09.2023Bredbånds development 2023 - Ringstad, Auvåg, Ringstadåsen, PollenBø municipality202304.09.2023Bredband development 2023 - Guvåg, Røsnes, HaugsnesBø municipality202304.09.2023 Broadband development -