Data licitatiei 07.04.2025

au mai rămas 22 zile

Norvegia: Data collection and survey - Mapping of seabed, embedded objects, transport containers and keel structure of U-864
Data licitatiei 07.04.2025
au mai rămas 22 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9335195 Data publicarii : 06.03.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Data collection and survey - Mapping of seabed, embedded objects, transport containers and keel structure of U-864

Coduri CPV:

71351500-8 - Servicii de cercetare a solului
71351923-2 - Servicii de studii batimetrice
71351924-2 - Servicii de explorare submarină
98360000-4 - Servicii marine
98361000-1 - Servicii de oceanologie

Textul licitației

equipment for access to keel section and retrieval of mercury/canisters. The overall goal is to obtain additional information and to test equipment and methods used within the industry prior to a final measure to handle the environmental risk at U-864. This procurement concerns the first survey campaign, which includes mapping the seabed, identifying objects on the seabed, and examining the keel structure of wreckage. The results from this survey will form the basis for the second survey campaign. The second survey campaign will be announced once the results from the first survey campaign are available. For NCA, progress is crucial, and given the opportunities in the market, NCA aims to announce the second survey campaign by the end of August.A detailed description of the procurement, its purpose, and scope can be found in the contracting authority's KGV. A complete description of the de

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