Data licitatiei 02.12.2024


Norvegia: Courses in Electronic Fusione for ESM Operators and/or Anti-Submarine Fusione for SONAR Operators on P-8A Poseidon
Data licitatiei 02.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 1,800,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8920817 Data publicarii : 31.10.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Courses in Electronic Fusione for ESM Operators and/or Anti-Submarine Fusione for SONAR Operators on P-8A Poseidon

Coduri CPV:

80600000-0 - Servicii de formare profesională în domeniul materialelor de apărare şi securitate
80650000-5 - Formare profesională şi simulare în domeniul aeronavelor militare, al proiectilelor şi al navelor spaţiale
80660000-8 - Formare profesională şi simulare în domeniul sistemelor electronice militare

Textul licitației

an initial estimated need for one of each course per year, based on the assumption that the classes take 4 students each.The differences between the courses are outlined in the Requirement Specifications, with a specific set of requirements for each course, as outlined in Annex B1 – SONAR and Annex B2-ESM. The Contractor can choose to deliver a tender for one or both courses.The first ESM and SONAR courses must be started in the fall of 2025.Further information about the procurement can be found in the uploaded documents under the 'Documents' tab.This procurement is conducted according to part I and part IV of the Public Procurement Regulation (Forskrift om offentlige anskaffelser(FOA)).In case of any conflict between the information registered in the Mercell platform and the published procurement documents under the 'Documents' tab, the published pocurement documents under the 'Documents' tab shall take precedence.Please note that the "assessment of climate and environmental considerations related to the procurement" is a legally required information document, no action required.Identificatorul procedurii: 28bb53db-4e70-406f-b970-2ea77afa0a7dIdentificator intern: 2023028119Principalele caracteristici ale procedurii: This procurement is conducted in accordance with the Act and Regulation

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