Data licitatiei 28.10.2024

au mai rămas 16 zile

Norvegia: Contract for co-localisation and operation of aquaculture permits for research purposes.
Data licitatiei 28.10.2024
au mai rămas 16 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8767229 Data publicarii : 23.09.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Contract for co-localisation and operation of aquaculture permits for research purposes.

Coduri CPV:

77800000-8 - Servicii pentru acvacultură
77850000-3 - Servicii pentru piscicultură

Textul licitației

460 tonnes. The permits will be valid for 15 years from the issuance date. In order to gain access to various commercial premises, fish, plants, equipment, material and operational competence, the Aquaculture Station needs to enter into an agreement on co-localisation and operation of the permits with a commercial aquaculture company ("Aquaculture Company"). Based on the permits, large-scale trials/research shall be carried out. The permits are not limited to specific trials or research areas, and the research activities will vary throughout the contract period. All fish that are put out in the permits must be included in the trial. UiT the Arctic University of Norway or Nofima shall have the professional responsibility in the trials and the results shall be generally available. It will be necessary to co-locate research permits at premises with different current conditions, depth, exposure, temperature, barracks area etc. The following experiments have been relevant and some topics have already been attempted: Fish of various origins, conditioning of set fish, early and increased sorting of eggs, biomass control, big-data, salmon lice, welfare indicators, outsets at falling temperatures, feed experiments and technological solutions. The list is not exhaustive.Identificatorul procedurii: 9914d1da-9f08-463d-93de-06cb

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