Norvegia: B1020 EFU-10372 Olsvik nursery, Procurement of a turnkey contractor - Stage 1
Data licitatiei 21.03.2025
au mai rămas 8 zile


Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 9228514
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: B1020 EFU-10372 Olsvik nursery, Procurement of a turnkey contractor - Stage 1
Coduri CPV:
37535200-9 - Echipament pentru terenuri de joacă
43325000-7 - Echipament pentru parcuri şi terenuri de joacă
45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii
45214100-1 - Lucrări de construcţii de grădiniţe
Textul licitației
nursery school was taken out of service in 2016 and it was completely removed. The property is regulated to a nursery 29.04.15 plan number 3320101.The nursery building in Olsvik is designed in accordance with guidelines in the zoning plan in Bergen municipality, number 123, title no. 344 mfl, Olsvik nursery, National area plan-ID 1201, 3320101 for the site as well as annexes that have been prepared in accordance with the approved function and area programme for new nurseries in Bergen municipality. Olsvik nursery has a separate attached area table for the Area and function programme that shall be followed. The turnkey contractor will be responsible for applying for, and getting approved, framework permission for the initiative. Dispensation shall be sought from one of the order requirements, this is done in consultation with the Builder and it is further described in chapter 1, point 13