Data licitatiei 30.10.2024

au mai rămas 33 zile

Norvegia: Audit
Data licitatiei 30.10.2024
au mai rămas 33 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8789893 Data publicarii : 27.09.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Audit

Coduri CPV:

79200000-6 - Servicii de contabilitate, servicii de audit şi servicii fiscale
79210000-9 - Servicii de contabilitate şi de audit
79212000-3 - Servicii de auditare

Textul licitației

: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Nærøysund municipality shall ensure proper auditing of the municipality ́s accounts, various attestation statements and the accompanying accounts for Nærøysund Church Council, Nærøysund municipal Housing hire KF and Østeviks Minnefond. The contract shall also ensure that management audits, ownership control and minor investigations are carried out. The service shall be carried out in accordance with the current rules, good municipal audit practice and the applicable industry standard in general. The municipality maintains accounts in accordance with the Municipal Act with the accompanying accounting regulations and in accordance with good municipal accounting practice. Auditors must carry out their assignments and obtain documentation to the greatest possible degree without charging the administration in the municipality. The contract shall be valid from 04.07.2025 to and including 03.07.2027, with the contracting authority ́s unilateral right to an option for a further 1+1+1 year.2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 79200000 Servicii de contabilitate, servicii de audit şi servicii fiscaleClasificare suplimentară&n

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

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