Data licitatiei 02.12.2024


Norvegia: Agricultural operational resources
Data licitatiei 02.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 20,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8920136 Data publicarii : 31.10.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: Agricultural operational resources

Coduri CPV:

03111000-2 - Seminţe
15710000-8 - Furaje preparate pentru animale de fermă sau pentru alte animale
24000000-4 - Produse chimice
24213000-0 - Oxid de calciu hidratat
24400000-8 - Îngrăşăminte şi compuşi azotaţi
24440000-0 - Diverse tipuri de îngrăşăminte

Textul licitației

prices, reduced transaction costs for the Contracting Authority and supplier, increased use of e-commerce, better contract loyalty, mutual contract follow-up with a focus on continual improvement, reduced environmental impact and compliance with rules. The contract has a framework of NOK 20,000,000 over 4 years, excluding VAT. The framework is based on historical data and is of an informative character. The contracting authority is not bound to call-offs for the total framework. The contracting authority ́s need can vary from year to year. The contracting authority intends to enter into a framework agreement with only one tenderer. A complete description of the procurement is given in the Requirement Specification, Annex 2.Identificatorul procedurii: 6f762adb-72ee-418a-b51c-cc64d4c710aeIdentificator intern: 202448644Tip de procedură: Deschisă

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