Norvegia: Agreement with a tenderer for the operation and maintenance of lift facilities for security properties in Oslo.
Data licitatiei 19.11.2024


Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8868757
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Agreement with a tenderer for the operation and maintenance of lift facilities for security properties in Oslo.
Coduri CPV:
42419500-1 - Piese pentru ascensoare, pentru schipuri sau pentru scări rulante
42419510-4 - Piese pentru ascensoare
50750000-7 - Servicii de întreţinere a ascensoarelor
Textul licitației
ortfolio consists of: Government buildings, archives and courthouse prison and Police Oslo.Identificatorul procedurii: df776a12-ffa5-4f62-a7a7-a4d3e8f322f2Identificator intern: 2024/3092Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The objective of the framework agreement is to ensure Statsbygg operational stability through preventive work on the agreement ́s lifts, i.e. short possible downtime and fewest possible stoppages. The portfolio consists of different manufacturer and type of lifts. It is presumed that the lift contractor has the necessary competence and access to spare parts to carry out service and repairs in a satisfactory manner. The contract will apply for the lifts stated in the 3rd Lift overview. Facilities can be added to or taken out of the contract