Norvegia: Access control, burglar alarms, locks and fittings as well as ITV
Data licitatiei 05.07.2024
Valoare estimata : 8,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8305773
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: Access control, burglar alarms, locks and fittings as well as ITV
Coduri CPV:
31351000-1 - Conductoare electrice pentru sisteme de control de acces
31625000-3 - Alarme antiefracţie şi antiincendiu
31625300-6 - Sisteme de alarmă antiefracţie
35121700-5 - Sisteme de alarmă
42961100-1 - Sisteme de control al accesului
44421720-0 - Dulăpioare
44500000-5 - Scule, lacăte, chei, balamale, dispozitive de fixare, lanţuri şi resorturi
44520000-1 - Broaşte, chei şi balamale
44521000-8 - Diverse lacăte şi broaşte
44521100-9 - Broaşte
44521110-2 - Broaşte de uşă
44521120-5 - Încuietoare electronică de securitate
44522400-9 - Piese de broaşte
44523000-2 - Balamale, montaje şi garnituri
44523200-4 - Montaje
79711000-1 - Servicii de monitorizare a sistemelor de alarmă
Textul licitației
joint access control system for its buildings. The main aim is to be able to co-ordinate access permission for the users in several buildings, via a joint administration and monitoring system. The aim is simpler administration and higher security, better integration with burglar alarms and better functionality. Råde municipality shall enter into a framework agreement. The method of procurement has been chosen to give flexibility for the contracting authority as procurements will be made over a long period of time as grants are granted. The framework agreement shall be valid for 3 years, with an option for an annual extension for 1+1+1 year. NOK 3.1 million has been set aside for the purpose in the financial period 2024-27. The maximum value of the agreement is NOK 8 million. The contractor shall be Råde municipality ́s consultant and execution coordinator for all received assignments. The contractor shall propose other and better systems/products if this is the best for the municipality. After the new building has been notified (call-offs) and well before the installation of the new facility starts, the contractor shall familiarise himself with the existing installations. The contractor shall assess the condition of the existing burglar alarms, locks and fittings, doors and door environments as well as cabling, and enclose a