Data licitatiei 05.03.2025


Norvegia - Vardø: Mapping nature types for remote sensing
Data licitatiei 05.03.2025
Valoare estimata : 10,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9216767 Data publicarii : 03.02.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - Vardø: Mapping nature types for remote sensing

Coduri CPV:

71222200-2 - Servicii de cartografiere a zonelor rurale
90700000-4 - Servicii privind mediul
90710000-7 - Management de mediu
90720000-0 - Protecţia mediului

Textul licitației

o produce the map. In order to achieve the goal, the project starts by focusing on eight test municipalities and will produce maps for them. The amount and quality of the reference data will be decisive for the success of the project in creating good maps. There is, therefore, a need for mapping nature types in accordance with NiN in these test municipalities in order to collect reference data for use in machine learning models. There is a need for large amounts of data and it is important that data is collected coherently by surveyors with considerable experience with the use of the NiN system. A mapping shall be carried out in accordance with the NiN system in pre-segmented areas, which will make up a pre-selected transect. The mapping is divided into several sub-contracts and tenders can be submitted for one or several of these. Exact location of the transects will be made available f

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