Data licitatiei 31.03.2025

au mai rămas 28 zile

Norvegia - TRONDHEIM: Transport, reception and final treatment of hazardous waste.
Data licitatiei 31.03.2025
au mai rămas 28 zile
Valoare estimata : 20,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9318126 Data publicarii : 03.03.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - TRONDHEIM: Transport, reception and final treatment of hazardous waste.

Coduri CPV:

90000000-7 - Servicii de evacuare a apelor reziduale, de eliminare a deşeurilor, de igienizare şi servicii privind mediul
90500000-2 - Servicii privind deşeurile menajere şi deşeurile
90510000-5 - Eliminare şi tratare a deşeurilor menajere
90512000-9 - Servicii de transport de deşeuri menajere
90513300-9 - Servicii de incinerare a deşeurilor menajere
90520000-8 - Servicii privind deşeurile radioactive, toxice, medicale şi periculoase

Textul licitației

uty can be carried out in a cost efficient manner, which at the same time safeguards the waste hierarchy, as well as ensure traceability for collected waste. All handling of the contracting authority ́s waste shall follow relevant laws and regulations, including the regulations on recycling and treatment of waste, chapter 11, the regulations on land transport of hazardous goods as well as the applicable European ADR provisions.Identificatorul procedurii: a1ccac40-42fb-4e21-bd9c-d938b469d5a8Identificator intern: 25/00038Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The framework agreement will be valid for 2 years, with a unilateral option for the contracting authority to extend the framework agreement for 1+1 year. The hazardous waste fractions included in this compet

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

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