Data licitatiei 28.10.2024


Norvegia - Trondheim: Granåsen Football Hall - Competition for the delivery of electricity from solar panel installations
Data licitatiei 28.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 12,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8789729 Data publicarii : 27.09.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - Trondheim: Granåsen Football Hall - Competition for the delivery of electricity from solar panel installations

Coduri CPV:

09000000-3 - Produse petroliere, combustibil, electricitate şi alte surse de energie
09300000-2 - Electricitate, încălzire, energie solară şi nucleară
51000000-9 - Servicii de instalare (cu excepţia programelor software)
51100000-3 - Servicii de instalare a echipamentului electric şi mecanic

Textul licitației

ed procedure for the procurement of electricity from solar panel installations that shall be owned and operated by the supplier. The solar panel installations shall be assembled on Granåsen ́s football hall ́s roof and facades. Trondheim municipality is obliged to procure the flow from the solar panel facility to its own need (hourly) for the buildings and facilities in Granåsen sports park which can be covered by the regulation for sharing self-produced renewable electricity on the same property. The energy costs are connected to the spot price in the North Pool area NO3 and the consumables, energy tax and energy fund for the current electricity tariff for the football hall. Surplus production is sold in the ordinary power market. All other costs, including procurement, installation, operation and maintenance of the solar panel installations, are to be covered by the supplier. The contract period can be up to 25 years. The contracting authority shall have the possibility to procure the facility after 5 years and then every 2nd year. Trondheim municipality intends to enter into a contract with one tenderer.Identificatorul procedurii: 47498f0f-0769-4c48-a9e8-d34790f98af4Identificator intern: 2024/28430Tip de procedură: Negociată cu publicarea prealabilă a unei proceduri concurențiale

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