Data licitatiei 12.12.2024

au mai rămas 66 zile

Norvegia - Oslo: Procurement of a turnkey contract for the construction of an extension, demolition and outdoor works for Stovner School.
Data licitatiei 12.12.2024
au mai rămas 66 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8824072 Data publicarii : 07.10.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - Oslo: Procurement of a turnkey contract for the construction of an extension, demolition and outdoor works for Stovner School.

Coduri CPV:

45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii

Textul licitației

t of the school ́s outdoor installations. The school site is 23.4 daa. The extension is approx. 3,365 m2 FUA (functional area) and approx. 5,570 m2 gross in three floors, the basement is partly below ground due to the terrain form. In addition various sheds of approx. 110 m2 shall be constructed. The contract includes the demolition of discontinued teaching pavilions, as well as two concrete wings from the original school building from 1970. In addition, light renovation of approx. 1,000 m2 of the original school building shall be carried out. The contract also includes improvements to public roads in Stovnerfaret within the planning area, as well as improvements to public roads in accordance with the order requirements, in Olaus Fjørtoftsvei and Fjellstuveien. The construction works shall be carried out with the school in operation in the original school building, as well as temporary pavilions in the open air area across Stovnerfaret. The framework application was sent 04.09.24 and expects a framework permission in November. The prerequisite for the project is that the project with temporary school pavilions at the neighbouring site has been completed and ready for use before the demolition can start. The site will be available from 01.06.25, with the share of the ground work being completed by the start of the school 15 Aug

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