Norvegia - Oslo: MicroCT Machine
Data licitatiei 07.01.2025
au mai rămas 54 zile
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8960751
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia - Oslo: MicroCT Machine
Coduri CPV:
33110000-4 - Echipament de imagistică de uz medical, dentar şi veterinar
Textul licitației
bsp;Echipament de imagistică de uz medical, dentar şi veterinar2.1.2. Locul de executareAdresă poștală: Gaustadaleen Localitate: OsloCod poștal: 0372Subdiviziunea țării (NUTS): Oslo (NO081)Țara: Norvegia2.1.4. Informații generaleTemei juridic: Directiva 2014/24/UE2.1.6. Motive de excludereSituații similare, în temeiul legislației naționale, cum ar fi falimentul: Is the economic operator in in any analogous situation like bankruptcy arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.Faliment: Is the economic operator bankrupt? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.Corupție: Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of i