Data licitatiei 16.10.2024

au mai rămas 25 zile

Norvegia - Oslo: Framework agreement for assistance with maintenance of signal plans, as well as the preparation and entry of signal plans on new installations, in STS (Siemens traffic management system) at the Road Traffic Centre East.
Data licitatiei 16.10.2024
au mai rămas 25 zile
Valoare estimata : 10,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8716519 Data publicarii : 10.09.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - Oslo: Framework agreement for assistance with maintenance of signal plans, as well as the preparation and entry of signal plans on new installations, in STS (Siemens traffic management system) at the Road Traffic Centre East.

Coduri CPV:

31720000-9 - Echipament electromecanic
34920000-2 - Echipament rutier
34992200-9 - Indicatoare rutiere
72220000-3 - Servicii de consultanţă privind sistemele informatice şi servicii de consultanţă tehnică
73220000-0 - Servicii de consultanţă în dezvoltare

Textul licitației

at the Road Traffic Centre East.Descriere: The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Road Traffic Central East (hoods called the Contracting Authority) would like to enter into a framework agreement for assistance with the maintenance of signal plans, as well as the preparation and entry of signal plans on new installations, in STS (Siemens traffic management system) with one tenderer. The framework agreement applies for the Road Traffic Centre in the east, but it can be used by other sections in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The aim of the procurement is to establish, enter and maintain signal plans with all parameters in STS, so that the prepared traffic plans function as intended and with it safeguards the top goals of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration which is an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe transport system. Technical installations in tunnels and open air installations in the operations area east are controlled and monitored from the Road Traffic Centre East (VTS) in Oslo. When traffic in tunnels and day installations is regulated, signal plans occur in the tool STS (Siemens traffic management system), which is an integrated part of VTS east ́s overall management system.Identificatorul procedurii: 743943ed-65ff-4455-81a3-d6ed1f7970bcIdentificator inte

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