Norvegia - Ålesund: Procurement - Smart waste containers, 2024
Data licitatiei 28.01.2025
au mai rămas 5 zile
Valoare estimata : 4,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9108615
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia - Ålesund: Procurement - Smart waste containers, 2024
Coduri CPV:
19640000-4 - Saci şi pungi din polietilenă pentru deşeuri
34928400-2 - Mobilier urban
34928480-6 - Containere şi pubele de deşeuri
39713300-6 - Compactoare de deşeuri menajere
44613000-0 - Containere de mari dimensiuni
44613700-7 - Bene pentru deşeuri
44613800-8 - Containere pentru deşeuri
90500000-2 - Servicii privind deşeurile menajere şi deşeurile
90510000-5 - Eliminare şi tratare a deşeurilor menajere
90511000-2 - Servicii de colectare a deşeurilor menajere
90511300-5 - Servicii de colectare a deşeurilor dispersate
90513000-6 - Servicii de tratare şi eliminare de deşeuri menajere şi deşeuri nepericuloase
90514000-3 - Servicii de reciclare a deşeurilor menajere
Textul licitației
readable in real time, so that emptying can be carried out in real need and placed in suitable places in the municipality. The procurement mainly comprises compressing waste containers, connecting to a digital internet based monitoring system, so-called smart waste containers. This will, in practice, lead to a positive environmental effect through reduced transport requirements and minor pollution. In addition the procurement shall lead to a better ergonomic work day for those who operates waste management from public rooms in the municipality. The agreement shall not prevent the municipality from purchasing non-smart waste containers to the extent that the municipality chooses. Operation of waste containers and training of users: The operation of the smart waste containers shall be carried out by Attvin AS and Ålesund kommune. The waste containers must be emptied of our operational personnel as easily as possible, including waste containers. as low as possible use of manual power. A user manual and service manual shall be delivered in Norwegian and English. As a part of the tenderer ́s tender, training shall be carried out by operational personnel (10-15 persons) at the time of delivery. Training shall take place in the contracting authority ́s premises as agreed. The necessary inspections and operation of containers shall b