Data licitatiei 04.10.2024

au mai rămas 18 zile

Norvegia - Kristiansand: Turnkey contract with interaction, New emergency building Sørlandet Hospital and Kristiansand municipality Helsehus Eg - on behalf of Sørlandet Hospital HF and Kristiansand municipality.
Data licitatiei 04.10.2024
au mai rămas 18 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8668873 Data publicarii : 29.08.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - Kristiansand: Turnkey contract with interaction, New emergency building Sørlandet Hospital and Kristiansand municipality Helsehus Eg - on behalf of Sørlandet Hospital HF and Kristiansand municipality.

Coduri CPV:

31000000-6 - Maşini, aparate, echipamente şi consumabile electrice; iluminat
31230000-7 - Piese pentru aparate de distribuţie sau de control al energiei electrice
31351000-1 - Conductoare electrice pentru sisteme de control de acces
31500000-1 - Aparatură de iluminat şi lămpi electrice
42500000-1 - Echipamente de răcire şi de ventilare
42520000-7 - Echipamente de ventilaţie
44160000-9 - Conducte, ţevărie, ţevi, tubaje, tuburi şi articole conexe
45215100-8 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri pentru servicii sanitare
45215120-4 - Lucrări de construcţii de clădiri pentru servicii medicale specializate
45215140-0 - Lucrări de construcţii de unităţi spitaliceşti
45215213-3 - Lucrări de construcţii de centre de îngrijire
45331000-6 - Lucrări de instalare de echipamente de încălzire, de ventilare şi de aer condiţionat

Textul licitației

et Hospital in Kristiansand and a new health centre Eg with emergency doctor surgery (KKHE) is an important project for Sørlandet Hospital HF and Kristiansand municipality.  A concept phase with a sketch project has been carried out for SSAK and a sketch project has been carried out for KKHE. These documents form important framework terms for the preliminary project.  This is a competition for development and collaboration competence for the turnkey contractor. The turnkey contractor ́s core competence in the early phase of the project course will be the focus and technical collaboration partners or consultants and architects will not be required in the tender. These shall be procured in cooperation with the builder in the interaction phase with the turnkey contractor who wins the competition. A significant amount of documents have been attached in the competition so that tenderers can get an overview of the expectations for process, need and wants for the building. A large part of these documents shall therefore be understood as our common starting point for further development. In order to reduce the number of documents, the document overall will not be sent out before the start-up interaction phase, these documents are marked with 'sending' on the document list. See the attached tender documentation

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