Data licitatiei 26.08.2016


Norvegia - Kjeller : Mobilier de birou
Data licitatiei 26.08.2016
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 1895403 Data publicarii : 25.08.2016 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - Kjeller : Mobilier de birou

Coduri CPV:

31500000-1 - Aparatură de iluminat şi lămpi electrice
32321200-1 - Echipament audiovizual
32321300-2 - Materiale audiovizuale
39130000-2 - Mobilier de birou
39153000-9 - Mobilier pentru săli de conferinţe
39156000-0 - Mobilier pentru săli de primire şi de recepţie
39200000-4 - Accesorii de mobilier
39290000-1 - Diverse accesorii de mobilier

Textul licitației

n 009-2016 framework agreement for the purchase of furniture and fixtures for Kinnarps.The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has received appeals on the awarding of the framework agreement to Kinnarps.The appeals are based on the two submitted tender offers from the different tenderers being based on a different understanding of the attached price form. This resulted in the submitted prices not being comparable.The executed competition is an open tender competition without the possibility of negotiations (see the tender documentation article 2.1). The possibility to collect explanations/information from the relevant tenderers is limited by the Regulation on Public Procurements (PPR) § 21-1. The ban on negotiations with tender competitions. FFI determined that it is not possible to correct the error without receiving further information from the tenderers about how they have interpreted the price form. Correcting errors by clarification from the tenderers would result in a breach of the ban on negotiations.After the award, FFI received information from appeals meaning that the competition could have had a different outcome if the price form had been designed differently.Since the error cannot be corrected without negotiating, and that the complaintant could possibly have been award

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