Norvegia - Bergen: Internal audits for Ferde AS
Data licitatiei 16.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 4,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8445666
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia - Bergen: Internal audits for Ferde AS
Coduri CPV:
79212000-3 - Servicii de auditare
79212200-5 - Servicii de auditare internă
90714200-7 - Servicii de audit de mediu pentru întreprinderi
Textul licitației
durii: The internal audit shall be an independent, objective verification and consultancy function that intends to add value and improve the Contracting Authority's operations. It shall contribute to the organisation achieving its objectives by evaluating and improving the efficiency and suitability of the organisation's processes for risk management, control and management. The internal audit can carry out analyses e.g. of the company's efficiency and its compliance with laws, rules and guidelines. The selection of topics shall be based on a risk assessment and on input from the Contracting Authority's board or management, so that the most important areas are revised for the company. The internal audit shall, on behalf of the board or the company ́s management, examine to what degree it is established and carried out sufficient and effective internal control. The internal audit shall independently and objectively make statements and give advice to contribute to improvements and increase the value creation in the company. The following lots are included in this procurement:1. Implementation of an annual internal audit programme with ISO 19011 as the method Tender shall include a general solution proposal and a specific solution proposal. The solution proposals shall describe the entire process from planning to completion.