Data licitatiei 22.11.2016


Norvegia - Bergen : Instrumente muzicale, articole sportive, jocuri, jucării, obiecte de artizanat, obiecte de artă şi accesorii
Data licitatiei 22.11.2016
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 2050510 Data publicarii : 21.11.2016 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia - Bergen : Instrumente muzicale, articole sportive, jocuri, jucării, obiecte de artizanat, obiecte de artă şi accesorii

Coduri CPV:

37000000-8 - Instrumente muzicale, articole sportive, jocuri, jucării, obiecte de artizanat, obiecte de artă şi accesorii

Textul licitației

right to cancel the competition if there is a justifiable reason.A ‘justifiable reason’ means that it must be an objective justification for the contracting authority to cancel the tender contest. The assessment of whether there is a justifiable reason consists of a general assessment of, amongst other things, the date of the cancellation, the reason for the cancellation and the intention of the cancellation.When the tenders to this tender contest were evaluated, we discovered that all tenderers have completed the price matrix incorrectly in various ways. This makes it impossible for us to compare the tenders.The error is mainly because of misperceptions in the price matrix, Annex 4a, which could be interpreted differently in regards to the quality and scope descriptions.The Contracting Authority has found a justifiable reason for cancelling the competition on the basis of the tender documentation annex 4a, in accordance with PPR § 22-1 (1).Information: The Contracting Authority is now working on a revised price matrix and annex 1, and preparing a new tender documentation in accordance with our needs. The tender contest will be republished in Doffin shortly and it is arranged for the tenderers to re-use the majority of their tender documentation.

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta