Data licitatiei 27.02.2025

au mai rămas 34 zile

Norvegia: 82-BYM-2024 Framework agreement for communication and arrangement services for Rusken.
Data licitatiei 27.02.2025
au mai rămas 34 zile
Valoare estimata : 12,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9190456 Data publicarii : 24.01.2025 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: 82-BYM-2024 Framework agreement for communication and arrangement services for Rusken.

Coduri CPV:

39294100-0 - Produse informative şi de promovare
79000000-4 - Servicii pentru întreprinderi: drept, marketing, consultanţă, recrutare, tipărire şi securitate
79340000-9 - Servicii de publicitate şi de comercializare
79341100-7 - Servicii de consultanţă în publicitate
79341400-0 - Servicii de campanii de publicitate
79342000-3 - Servicii de comercializare
79413000-2 - Servicii de consultanţă în gestiune marketing
79415200-8 - Servicii de consultanţă în proiectare
79952000-2 - Servicii pentru evenimente
79952100-3 - Servicii de organizare de evenimente culturale

Textul licitației

ocurement of 82-BYM-2024 Framework agreement for communication and arrangement services for Rusken. The framework agreement shall be signed with one tenderer. Rusken was established in 1976 and has since been Oslo municipality's commitment to a clean and pleasant city together with the population. Through Rusken's various activities, all inhabitants of the city can contribute to an environmentally friendly Oslo. The Rusken secretariat is located in the Agency for Urban Environment's environment division. They plan and administer all of Rusken's activities and campaigns, taking care of everything from practical facilitation to strategic work and communication. A main area is to raise awareness of and engage the entire town population to participate in the work of a clean and environmentally friendly city.Identificatorul procedurii: e4ef63de-f2ed-4c7b-a446-6e29abda69d7Identificator intern: 24/90318Tip de procedură: RestrânsăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The competition is being held as a restricted tender contest in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations § 13-1 (1). The procedure consists of two stages. The first step means that all interested suppliers can send a request to participate in the competition. I

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