Norvegia: 2025 Framework agreement for the purchase of HVAC materials.
Data licitatiei 25.04.2025
au mai rămas 35 zile


Valoare estimata : 8,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9391284
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 2025 Framework agreement for the purchase of HVAC materials.
Coduri CPV:
39715100-8 - Dispozitive electrice de distribuire instantanee sau prin acumulare a apei calde şi termoplonjori
39715300-0 - Echipament pentru instalaţii de apă şi canalizare
42130000-9 - Robinete, vane şi dispozitive similare
44115200-1 - Materiale pentru instalaţii de apă şi canalizare şi materiale de încălzire
44162000-3 - Ţevărie
44163000-0 - Ţevi şi racorduri
44163111-1 - Conducte pentru drenare
44167000-8 - Diverse accesorii de ţevărie
44411000-4 - Articole sanitare
44600000-6 - Cisterne, rezervoare şi containere; radiatoare şi boilere pentru încălzire centrală
Textul licitației
mework agreement for HVAC materials. The agreement will cover most product groups (NRF groups) within consumables for HVAC, Hereunder i.a.: Pipes and parts for water and sewage pipes and parts for tap water, sanitary and various fittings, sewage parts PP and MA equipment and mixer batteries-steel pipes, bends, pressure pipes, clamps, fastening material, valves and etc., the Contracting Authority has approx. 230 units that will use the agreement, but the largest users are Trondheim property. Trondheim city operations is also a major user of the agreement. The contracting authority ́s plumbers and operational personnel need quick access to the requested HVAC materials from stores or in-store in Trondheim with regard to efficient execution of their assignments. The contracting authority asks tenderers to enclose an overview of stock and standard delivery times for not stocked articles in t