Norvegia: 24/982 Vehicles
Data licitatiei 18.03.2025
au mai rămas 6 zile


Valoare estimata : 3,085,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9252429
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 24/982 Vehicles
Coduri CPV:
34110000-1 - Autoturisme
Textul licitației
shall be registered as passenger cars. The procured vehicles shall later be specially adapted by the vehicle builder to the user's individual need for e.g. ramps, lifts, levelling or lowering floors, or for special systems for gas/brakes/control. The tender competition is divided into ten independent sub-contracts. Further content of the procurement is specified in the tender documentation. It is not possible to state exact figures on the needs that the framework agreement ́s services shall cover. The purchasing will depend on the users ́needs, and it is the National Insurance Scheme that regulates what the user has the right to get. The maximum total value is therefore estimated to be up to 25% higher than the estimated total value.Identificatorul procedurii: ed64574a-2062-4bfc-a207-91b789af111fIdentificator intern: 24/982Tip de procedură: Desc