Norvegia: 113241 Septic sanitation for Nordre and Søndre Land municipalities
Data licitatiei 14.01.2025
au mai rămas 41 zile
Valoare estimata : 27,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 9042091
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 113241 Septic sanitation for Nordre and Søndre Land municipalities
Coduri CPV:
90000000-7 - Servicii de evacuare a apelor reziduale, de eliminare a deşeurilor, de igienizare şi servicii privind mediul
90400000-1 - Servicii privind apele reziduale
90450000-6 - Servicii de tratare a foselor septice
90460000-9 - Servicii de golire a puţurilor de decantare sau a foselor septice
Textul licitației
es and blocked tanks. A comprehensive description of the delivery is given in the requirement specifications, annex 1.Identificatorul procedurii: 9cc65948-d4fc-4958-8ff4-8aad852380a4Identificator intern: 2024/12637Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The scope of the Procurement Municipalities Nordre – and Søndre Land has a permanent scheme for forced emptying of septic tanks/interceptors for sludge for buildings that are not connected to the municipal sewage network. Regulations have been approved for the above mentioned forced scheme as well as for the fee. The regulations are attached to the tender documentation. Two vehicles are used in the current delivery; One vehicle in Søndre Land and a vehicle in Nordre Land Described amounts for Nordre Land and Søndre Land:Nordre Land kommune: The forced emptying scheme includes a total of approx. 2,520 installations where the distribution of the installations is in the price formula. A total of approx. 6,000 m3 septic shall be emptied per annum. See the point below on deviations in quantities/locations. Søndre Land kommune: The forced emptying scheme comprises a total of approx. 2,000 installations, with the distribution of the installations stated in