Data licitatiei 08.08.2024

au mai rămas 36 zile

Norvegia: 2024 - Framework agreement for water and sewage materials and street goods
Data licitatiei 08.08.2024
au mai rămas 36 zile
Valoare estimata : 18,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8422797 Data publicarii : 25.06.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: 2024 - Framework agreement for water and sewage materials and street goods

Coduri CPV:

31711400-7 - Valve şi tuburi
42131140-9 - Supape reductoare de presiune, de reglaj, de reţinere sau de siguranţă
42132000-3 - Piese pentru robinete sau vane
42997000-1 - Utilaje pentru conducte
44160000-9 - Conducte, ţevărie, ţevi, tubaje, tuburi şi articole conexe
44162000-3 - Ţevărie
44163100-1 - Ţevi
44163110-4 - Conducte pentru desecare
44167000-8 - Diverse accesorii de ţevărie
44400000-4 - Diverse produse fabricate şi articole conexe
44423700-8 - Elemente pentru guri de vizitare
44423730-7 - Cadre pentru guri de vizitare
44423740-0 - Capace pentru guri de vizitare

Textul licitației

and street goods for the municipality's entities.Identificatorul procedurii: a712b118-b433-4479-bdd7-9b3130e6ecbdIdentificator intern: 2024/12373Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: Trondheim municipality is responsible for the municipal road, water and sewage network. Town operations as the responsible unit for this contract, have stand-by responsibility and carry out the operation and maintenance of the above.  In addition the contracting authority is trading to a certain degree supplies for new installations and projects that will be included in the contract. Where the municipality carries out the work itself, the contracting authority needs quick access to water and sewage materials and street goods. The need involves both delivery at a stated location in the field, as well as extracting materials from the supplier. It is, thus, necessary that the tenderer has a shop or a large store in the Trondheim area.The municipality itself takes care of a stand-by warehouse where anything over 200mm is purchased and stored. The procurements for this are meant to be carried out ove

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