Data licitatiei 09.12.2024

au mai rămas 33 zile

Norvegia: 1265901 BUF Barkåker H 001 Builder Ombudsman and SHA Coordinator for the execution phase (KU).
Data licitatiei 09.12.2024
au mai rămas 33 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8940885 Data publicarii : 06.11.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: 1265901 BUF Barkåker H 001 Builder Ombudsman and SHA Coordinator for the execution phase (KU).

Coduri CPV:

71000000-8 - Servicii de arhitectură, de construcţii, de inginerie şi de inspecţie
71315200-1 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul imobiliar

Textul licitației

ombudsman (BHO) and one person who can fill the role of SHA coordinator for the execution phase (KU).Identificatorul procedurii: 5db02e40-35a3-42bc-9ce8-cda4041d99d6Identificator intern: 2024/4842Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The project is located in Barkåker in Tønsberg municipality and comprises alterations to an existing department, additions, minor new buildings, as well as renovation and maintenance work on the existing property. A total of approx. 600 m2 shall be altered/renovated/constructed. The Directorate of Public Construction and Property has been given the task of rebuilding and upgrading Barkåker youth centre. Barkåker youth centre is acutely located at Barkåker in Tønsberg municipality and it provides help with families with youths aged between 13 and 18 who need help in acute situations. The stay at the centre can last from one day or until a new residence is found for the client. The institution is intended for eight residents, but has several beds for use in acute situations where there is a need to move residents locally to the building. Because it is an emergency institution there are high requirements for safety, especially with a view to vandal protection, fire

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