Norvegia: 23/30041 Optician aids
Data licitatiei 20.11.2024


Valoare estimata : 110,844,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8863164
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 23/30041 Optician aids
Coduri CPV:
30237470-4 - Tastaturi Braille
33196000-0 - Mijloace auxiliare medicale
33196200-2 - Dispozitive pentru persoanele cu deficienţe
38624000-5 - Dispozitive de ajutor optic
48180000-3 - Pachete software pentru uz medical
Textul licitației
chines, software, reading lists and braille printers, as well as accompanying accessories, spare parts and services. The aim of the procurement is to establish a assortment of vision aids with a width that covers the majority of the needs of the relevant users. The tender competition is divided into sub-contracts in order to in the best possible way cover the needs of the relevant user groups, ensure comparable products and contribute to achieving the desired breadth of assortment. Contracts will be signed for each sub-contract with a sufficient number of tenderers to cover the majority of the users ́needs. The maximum total value is estimated to be up to 25% higher than the estimated total value per lot. Further content of the procurement is specified in the tender documentation.Identificatorul procedurii: 19a8cbf8-7646-4289-ba93-b977a3d6ac99Identificator intern:&n