Norvegia: 20240004 Framework agreement profiling articles
Data licitatiei 03.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8676157
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 20240004 Framework agreement profiling articles
Coduri CPV:
18000000-9 - Îmbrăcăminte, încălţăminte, articole de voiaj şi accesorii
18500000-4 - Bijuterii, ceasuri şi articole conexe
18530000-3 - Cadouri şi recompense
22000000-0 - Imprimate şi produse conexe
22400000-4 - Timbre, carnete de cecuri, bancnote, acţiuni, materiale publicitare, cataloage şi manuale
22458000-5 - Imprimate la comandă
22460000-2 - Materiale publicitare, cataloage comerciale şi manuale
22462000-6 - Materiale publicitare
22800000-8 - Registre, registre contabile, clasoare, formulare şi alte articole imprimate de papetărie din hârtie sau din carton
22900000-9 - Diverse imprimate
39294100-0 - Produse informative şi de promovare
Textul licitației
', trade fair equipment, clothing (not work clothes) and gift items (representation and company gifts) both internally and externally. The aims of participating in different external events where we present different articles/products are such as: • Profile us as an attractive employer for young people and newly trained • Show all possibilities • The Norwegian Tax Administration is more than just taxes • Profiling programs for students and new graduates (student pool, summer project, trainee, tech) • Profiling any positions that are out there. • "So a seed" that the Norwegian Tax Administration is a relevant employer for young, newly trainedIdentificatorul procedurii: 110f5576-312d-42cb-bcd8-056cde698473Identificator intern: 2024/251Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. Scop