Norvegia: 2024-081 Avalanche detection Grandefonna and Sildesteinen - service agreement
Data licitatiei 23.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 10,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8651024
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 2024-081 Avalanche detection Grandefonna and Sildesteinen - service agreement
Coduri CPV:
34932000-9 - Sisteme radar
35120000-1 - Sisteme şi dispozitive de supraveghere şi de securitate
35121900-7 - Detectoare radar
38115100-5 - Echipament de supraveghere prin radar
45233140-2 - Lucrări de drumuri
45233141-9 - Lucrări de întreţinere a drumurilor
45233142-6 - Lucrări de reparare a drumurilor
71350000-6 - Servicii ştiinţifice şi tehnice în inginerie
72314000-9 - Servicii de colectare şi de colaţionare de date
90721800-5 - Servicii de protecţie împotriva riscurilor sau a pericolelor naturale
Textul licitației
or sufficient visibility over the avalanche point's target area, avalanches and emission zones as well as the roadway, there is a need for two different radar placements, årsethaugsvingen and Homlung.The avalanche warning system shall consist of a signal system and a radar system. The signal installations will be in place for a contract, 2023-142 County road. 63 Avalanche detection Grandefonna and Sildesteinen – preparatory works, with deadline for completion 01.11.2024.The purpose of the warning system is to increase the safe camp - no avalanches shall go on open road Increase regularity - reduce the number of closed days due to avalanche hazard increase understanding - avalanche dangers and avalanche dynamicsSE more information about the assignment in the Contract document annex 4 and function requirements annex 5 and 6.Identificatorul procedurii: 4bd47ed2-133e-4f91-ac64-a49a7bf93673Identificator intern: 2024/30606Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The contracting authority uses electronic procurement processes via a system supplier Mercell ( It is required, among other things, among other things, that tenders are to be submitted electronically by the stated tender deadline. The