Data licitatiei 22.08.2024

au mai rămas 52 zile

Norvegia: (2023/7268) New tender contest Asphalting, framework agreement.
Data licitatiei 22.08.2024
au mai rămas 52 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8434788 Data publicarii : 27.06.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: (2023/7268) New tender contest Asphalting, framework agreement.

Coduri CPV:

14213200-9 - Macadam gudronat
45233100-0 - Lucrări de construcţii de autostrăzi şi de drumuri
45233130-9 - Lucrări de construcţii de drumuri naţionale
45233139-3 - Lucrări de întreţinere a drumurilor naţionale
45233140-2 - Lucrări de drumuri
45233141-9 - Lucrări de întreţinere a drumurilor
45233200-1 - Diverse lucrări de îmbrăcare
45233220-7 - Lucrări de îmbrăcare a drumurilor
45233223-8 - Lucrări de reînnoire a îmbrăcămintei şoselelor

Textul licitației

delivery and paving of asphalt materials on roads, open spaces and associated asphalt works. The framework agreement shall ensure that the Contracting Authority can carry out the mentioned work in a flexible and efficient manner, as well as provide predictability for the contracting authority as regards implementation. The contracts shall also contribute to roads and spaces in the municipalities being of satisfactory quality. The contract applies on all roads and open spaces within the municipality ́s borders where the contracting authority assesses a need.   The work shall be carried out as needed in accordance with the framework agreement. In this framework agreement, the following participants (joint purchasing party) - hereafter called the customer: Lier municipality. Modum municipality - Øvre Eiker municipality - Ringerike municipality (option) Notodden municipality. - Kongsberg municipality - Hjartdal municipality (option) - Hole municipality (option) Nore and Uvdal municipalities Hol municipality Nesbyen municipality Ål municipality. - Hallingdal Brann og Redning AS  - Flesberg municipality The estimated value per annum and the maximum value for the e

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