Data licitatiei 22.01.2025


Norvegia: 2023/8987 Framework agreement for sand and salt for winter operations
Data licitatiei 22.01.2025
Valoare estimata : 8,000,000 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9115365 Data publicarii : 23.12.2024 Tara/Judet: NO
Descriere scurta:

Norvegia: 2023/8987 Framework agreement for sand and salt for winter operations

Coduri CPV:

14210000-6 - Pietriş, nisip, piatră concasată şi agregate
14212000-0 - Granule, criblură, nisip fin, pietre mici, pietriş, piatră fărâmiţată şi concasată, amestecuri de piatră, amestec de nisip şi pietriş şi alte agregate
14212100-1 - Bolovani şi pietriş
14212210-5 - Amestec de nisip şi pietriş
14400000-5 - Sare şi clorură de sodiu pur
14420000-1 - Sare marină

Textul licitației

est (Radøy)See Annex 3 Zone Map for further details on where the zones are located. Delivery shall be made as ordered by the municipality and shall be delivered to the different snow clearing contractors in the zones. Based on previous years' consumption, approx. 2,500 tonnes of sand will be used and 500 tonnes of salt per annum. This is not a binding indication of the scopes per annum and the amount that will be used per year will depend on the winter season. Three products shall be priced. Price per ton of salt-mixed sand with delivery to the different contractors in each zone. The price shall include freight to the contractors, independent contractor ́s location in their zone. A price shall be given for delivery to each of the zones. Price per tonne of salt, with delivery to the different contractors in each zone. The price shall include freight to the contractors, independent contr

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