Norvegia: 77266 2680 RA KRN Breast Diagnostic Centre Mammography Apparatus
Data licitatiei 23.04.2025
au mai rămas 42 zile


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Tip anunt:
ID: 9357021
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 77266 2680 RA KRN Breast Diagnostic Centre Mammography Apparatus
Coduri CPV:
33111650-2 - Aparate de mamografie
Textul licitației
aracteristici ale procedurii: The Breast Diagnostic Centre Radiumhospitalet OUS, the Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (KRN) plans to replace a Mammography apparatus for clinical operation. It shall be a "high-end" apparatus, in which, in addition to ordinary 2D mammography images of very high picture quality, functionality for enlargement/confectionery is required, tomosynthesis including synthetic 2D images of quality high quality with ordinary 2D images, contrast mommography, stereotactic and tomosynthesis guided as well as contrast pharmacography guided biopsies/markings. It shall be possible to use both vertical and horizontal access with biopsyking, including possibilities for lateral arm use. High degree of user friendliness. Quick and good access to service adapted to the activity is a prerequisite. The apparatus shall also be able to be used for screening as needed.