Norvegia: 2024005755 - Framework agreement workshop chemicals with associated services.
Data licitatiei 25.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 57,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8772598
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 2024005755 - Framework agreement workshop chemicals with associated services.
Coduri CPV:
09211000-1 - Uleiuri lubrifiante şi agenţi lubrifianţi
09211600-7 - Uleiuri pentru sisteme hidraulice şi pentru alte utilizări
09211630-6 - Uleiuri anticorozive
09221100-5 - Vaselină
15420000-8 - Uleiuri şi grăsimi rafinate
24300000-7 - Produse chimice anorganice şi organice de bază
24311410-4 - Acizi anorganici
24315000-5 - Diverse produse chimice anorganice
24320000-3 - Produse chimice organice de bază
24327000-2 - Diverse substanţe chimice organice
24910000-6 - Cleiuri
24959100-2 - Aerosoli
30197500-1 - Ceară sigiliu
39822000-0 - Produse de curăţat cu sodă caustică
39830000-9 - Produse de curăţat
39831500-1 - Produse de curăţat pentru automobile
44425400-9 - Mortar fin pentru fixare
44800000-8 - Vopsele, lacuri şi masticuri
44812200-7 - Vopsele de ulei şi de apă
44820000-4 - Lacuri
44831200-6 - Filere
44832100-2 - Soluţii de decapare
Textul licitației
Procedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The objective of the framework agreement is to cover the contracting authority ́s need for workshop chemicals through the establishment of a framework agreement with one tenderer. Furthermore, it is a significant purpose for the Contracting Authority to establish a supply-secure source for this material, which can directly affect military production connected to the Workshops of the Norwegian Armed Forces. The focus will also be on the environment, optimisation and standardisation of assortment, as well as control of consumption. Tenderers shall, in accordance with the Framework agreement, deliver workshop chemicals with associated services within six main categories, cf. Annex B point 2.2. See part II (General Contract Terms), Annex A point 2, Annex B and Annex D for further details on the scope of the framework agreement. The framework agreement ́s products and services shall be able to be delivered to all of the Contracting Authority's locations in Norway, cf. Annex E point 3. For an overview of the Norwegian Defence ́s locations, see framework agreement has an estimated value of 57 MNOK excluding VAT over the maximum duration of the framework agreement and a maximum value of 99 MNOK excluding VAT over