Norvegia: 2024021039 - Framework agreement for the management of hazardous waste.
Data licitatiei 07.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 20,000,000
Tip anunt:
ID: 8687706
Data publicarii :
NO |
Descriere scurta:
Norvegia: 2024021039 - Framework agreement for the management of hazardous waste.
Coduri CPV:
90000000-7 - Servicii de evacuare a apelor reziduale, de eliminare a deşeurilor, de igienizare şi servicii privind mediul
90500000-2 - Servicii privind deşeurile menajere şi deşeurile
90510000-5 - Eliminare şi tratare a deşeurilor menajere
Textul licitației
ollects and transports itself. The procurement will also include collection, collection and treatment of hazardous waste and organic sludge when needed when the Norwegian Armed Forces do not deliver. Organic sludge will be extracted from vessels.Identificatorul procedurii: 42530c6c-fd4e-4df3-a9e4-4d5ae23dbe5fIdentificator intern: 2024021039Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nuPrincipalele caracteristici ale procedurii: The objective of the procurement is to cover the Norwegian Armed Forces ́ need for handling hazardous waste at Haakonsvern Orlogsstasjon (HOS) with the accompanying locations: The following of the Norwegian Armed Forces departments will mainly be included: Haakonsvern OrlogsstasjonBergen centre, including the port area, as well as workshops where the Norwegian Armed Forces have their vesselsSjøkrigsskolenKnappen depotUbåtbunker LaksevågUlven camp Procurement shall include the receipt of hazardous waste that the Norwegian Armed Forces collects and transports themselves to treatment plant. The procurement shall also include collection, collection and treatment of hazardous waste and organic sludge as needed when the Norwegian Armed Forces themselves do not deliver. Organic sludge (code 1126) will be extracted from vessels.